Wednesday, May 17, 2006





Anonymous said...








Anonymous said...

Chinese schools are open to all students irrespective of their ethnic and religious background - on one condition - the student must be able to cope with the workload.

Compare grade-to-grade, Chinese school students are much more competitive and mature than national school students. They score better in various fields such as IQ, math and science.

Most important, Chinese school students irrespective of their ethnic background are multi-lingual. Apart from their ability to read speak and write major languages such as Chinese, English and Malay - many of them also managed to master a couple Chinese dialects (e.g. Cantonese, Hokkien, Teochew, etc) they pickup from their schoolmates. Isn't that wonderful?

In reality, Chinese school leavers are more adapt easily and mentally prepared to globalization.

When I was a student in the US - it is well known that Malaysians and Singaporeans are the most competitive lots among foreign students. Why?

Sharing the same cultural background, we can speak Cantonese to Hong Kongers, speak Hokkien to Taiwanese, speak Mandarin to Chinese Mainlanders, speak English to the Mat Sallehs and other foreigners - and best of all, we speak malay among ourselves so the rest of the foreigners will not understand of our conversation.

Anonymous said...

I understand that we should always try to be civil and not emotional in our comments about social issues in order to be constructive.

However, in reading such an announcement by the vice-chancellor (VC) of UPM and his related comments regarding the findings on the infamous incident, I believe it is not easy for any responsible citizen to remain civilly silent.

How should one describe such comments and findings? I personally think that at the least, they are grossly unconscionable and irresponsible.

By his announcement and related comments, does the VC realise that he has practically put UPM into deeper disrepute and even shame? In the process, the VC has also directly sent a chilling message to the world that UPM is the preferred choice for lawless and shameless hooligans.

From now on, I cannot imagine that anyone with any sense of dignity and self-respect would like to be associated with UPM in any way. And try to think about the marketability of its graduates in the future.

Worse, the VC reportedly mentioned that a report on the incident has been sent to the minister of higher education and the minister reportedly said that he leaves the matter to the VC!

Where is the accountability?

Outrageous and utterly shameful! I can't help but weep for those who are currently still trapped in UPM. If the majority of us who are fair-minded and rationale still remain silent over such blatant injustice, surely our conscience will return and haunt us.

Anonymous said...

The non-malays have heard this one before - If you think that Malaysia not good, please go out this country.

Umno has been brought up to think they are the prince of the land.

Every time they get cornered, Umno will tell the other race to go out where they belong. I think Umno must change their thinking or they will pull down the country to the middle age.

So far there is no Umno leader that can lead them to be modern 21st century citizens.

Rather Umno is anti this or anti that. There is no forward looking and thinking to break free perspective.

Malaysia developed nation on year 2020?

The problem with Malaysia ministers is that they are mostly underachievers academically!

That is the reason why they simply speak without logic and reasons. This is also the very reason that I admire Lim Kit Siang, Karpal etc, who can debate intelligently with those monkeys who never bother to understand what is uttered.

Just compare the resume of Malaysia ministers with that from our southern neighbour! Then you will understand.

I know their prime minister has a first class honors in science from Cambridge if I am not mistaken. The rest of his cabinets are very highly qualified. Hence you don't hear nonsense from them.

For your information, some Malaysia ministers would not be at all qualified for even an assistant post!

Our country leaders, not necessary meaning the prime minister, but overall people in power, people of authority etc, have no self respect, no moral, no integrity, and most of no responsibility and accountability.

Let us not compare with other countries, as no countries have perfect leaders, but what they have is integrity.

When they do something wrong and they know it is wrong, nobody need to tell them to resign, they won't say our Malaysia usual line "Nobody can resign me except the prime minister" - we should call this the ball-less line.

If you have integrity and honest enough, you should just resign.

This is why Malaysia is moving backward. With this kind of ministers who are not willing to tackle the root of the issue, but instead blaming others for exposing bad news and sweeping things under the carpet - what hope can you foresee for Malaysia in the future!

Perhaps we should have "Look Africa" policy, rather than "Look East" policy - since a lot of things are similar between Malaysia and African countries except oil.

Singapore has shown us that if the government plan properly and harness all the human talents and resources, a small country without much natural resources can be better than a big country with lots of natural resources.

We all started equal, RM1 = S$1, but see what happen now.

MSA = MAS and SIA. See the difference?

If we continue to ignore human talents and resources, by year 2020, the two countries will be even further apart!

Anonymous said...

I used to follow the "Today In Parliament" program over the Singapore TV network. The high level of professionalism and intellect in all the ministers are apparent in their line of questioning and quality of their answers.

I have never seen any rude or unbecoming behaviour, including the opposition. It seems like in the Malaysia parliament, it is more like a zoo. It is not even worth it to televise the proceedings as the BN ministers set a very bad example for the public.

They come unprepared, the quality of discussions is mediocre, they are disrespectful, and worse of all "cakap tak serupa bikin".

To all BN ministers, swallow your pride and learn from the opposition members or even the parliamentarians in Singapore how to conduct yourselves. You have been elected by the people to represent them with dignity, and to deliver results for the country betterment. So, wake up as the next election might not be so lucky for you!

Anonymous said...

I was studied in Melbourne Australia for 2 years, I met a lot of Malaysians who had emigrated to the country, some of them work in big company such as NEC, Nissan etc, some of them open restaurants (there are Malaysian restaurants everywhere in Australia), and their life is fairly and good treated by the locals.

In Melbourne, a lot of Malaysians (99% Chinese) live in a suburbs, most of them send their kids to local school, and all have no problem on their nationality and race because besides Malaysians, there are also a lot of Indonesians, Japanese, Singaporeans, Turkish, Vietnamese, etc. They can learn their own language without any restriction from the authorities. And everyone is compete on level playing field, everything is based on merit.

The living environment there is very nice, clean air and water (water can directly drink from tap), nicely built roads and residential area, almost perfect mass transit system (although I feel that Singapore is better) where you can live and travel easily without own car. Living cost there is relatively cheaper compare to Kuala Lumpur (dollar to dollar).

The main reason for this migration is that some of them felt that they were second-class citizens (the Chinese) and third-class citizens (the Indians) in the country that they were born in. The high cost of living and non-support from the Malaysia government have also resulted in smaller families among the non-malays.

For those who ran away or are thinking about running, my best wishes to you. But for the others who stand and fight, my respect for you.

Anonymous said...

For the Chinese and Indian Malaysians, PAS is no doubt a bigger 'evil' because of the revolutionary changes they would bring to the country.

This despite the rampant corruption and abuse of human rights by the current BN regime.

The real question we should ask is, why have we (Malaysians) ended up in a situation where we have to choose between the lesser of two evils?

The Chinese and Indian Malaysians (as well as the Ibans, Kadazans and the rest) being the minorities, really can't do much.

The question should be posed to the malays instead. It is only when the malays decide to reject the racist and feudalistic Umno as well as the religiously fanatic PAS - can a strong, meaningful alternative focusing on moderate and progressive agenda emerge.

As a Malaysian of Chinese descent, I will vote and support a political party which is multiracial. A party that seeks justice upholds the rule of law and a return to the sacredness of the constitution.

Many matured democracies have seen a change in government many times over. This is proof of a working and healthy democracy. But many Asian countries have not demonstrated this in that they have had the same political party ruling since their independence.

The "ruler" mentality is very strong in the minds of Asians but it has bred corruption, nepotism and stifled progressive thoughts and fresh ideas for the development of the nation.

Often leaders stay on way past their shelf life, scheming and fighting tooth and nail to stay on in power.

It is my hope that Malaysia will be the first among Asian countries to demonstrate maturity in allowing an opposition party to take over the helm of government should the scenario warrant it.

Will there be smooth transition of power and can the security forces be counted on to ensure peace and harmony? We can only wait for the day.

Anonymous said...

You stinking malay pig, please get the xxxx back to your own land in Aceh or Jawa, whatever. Because this is Tanah Orang Asli and malay pig like you are pendatang!

To someone……….time and time again we have said that the malays are from Jawa. I always say that they are from Aceh, Sumatra, etc - do you see anyone of these racists (obviously malays) objecting to that fact?

This is the truth and this they cannot handle. They don't dare say that because it is so true! Even Mahathir admitted recently - The origins of the malays are not Malaysia but Indonesia - Sumatra and island etc.

The real bumis are the natives of Borneo and the Orang Asli. Not these malay free loaders and wasted sperms.

"Son of the soil" incorrect! More appropriate term would be "Rapist of the soil"! Malays are pendatang, they called Chinese and Indians pendatang! Tak malu!

To malays pendatang from Indonesia, you are also enemy to Indonesia, stupid! Apa? Tak faham English? Makan tahi dan berambus balik to Jawa! Setia kepada negara Indonesia! So are you, malay pig!

Aren't you a bloody hypocrite? You are not the Orang Asli of this country - you are an immigrant from Jawa, Sulawesi, all elsewhere - why did you come here to this country then?

Why not help your own country (or should I say your dilapidated kampung in Jawa) and improve the situation then? What……….what did you say? Oh you want a better life is it? I see - so what does that make you? A patriotic fake? Or a hypocrite with no substance?

Compare China and Indonesia - then tell me who is faring better in the international stage. You useless malay pig. At the end of the day - you work for me.

Obviously, you are worse than shit. Not pigs, for pigs - are really smart animals. Tanah Melayu my ass! Orang Asli were here before your ancestors crept onto this land. Learn some history, ok? Of course, you can always change history! Tak malu kah!

You are sick in the brain, thanks to Mahathir!

Chinese got pissed off as not all Chinese are rich, but all work their asses off to make an honest living, while idiots like you think that you are entitled to riches without sweating. What discontent? After all these years all the handouts, you still couldn't get your acts together, and you want to blame others, the Chinese, the Indians? Where is your dignity?

What anger? You get angry at the Olympics because malays can't run faster than the Americans? The Aussies? The Chinese? (Just imagine some of you jokers made it to the Olympics, although none did!)

If you want to run amok, go ahead, join the apes and chimpanzees, your kind have been doing that at UPM, brainless monkeys they are, and so are you, go flock together.

The reason why malays tend to run "amok" is because of close relative breeding. Just like non-high breed dogs - brother have sex with the mother, and father marry their own sister, and the confusion goes on.

The end result is non-high breed dogs - that are difficult to train and tend to even bite their own master. Unlike the Chinese, they are very careful not to have too close relative marrying one another.

That is why you can see how Chinese excel in different part of the world. The Chinese are indeed a world race now, as China progress with such speed which is unknown off in any other race in the world!

Singapore is a fine example of Chinese superiority! Sad news for the malay race but then again it is the truth!

(Malay extremists racists are going to call you pendatang etc, even hang you upside down by your balls, for socking them in the balls where it hurts most, like you did.

But you have been brave in telling them the truth about the dark side of their race which explains why they are so backward. God be with you……….)

Rich and successful Chinese don't owe you a thing. Not so successful Chinese are working honestly to make ends meet. So, you either work, or go get fed in the ass by Mahathir, ok? He won't charge you for the ecstasy and the service you may receive.

You are nothing but scum. You give fellow malays a bad name. You make your parents lose face. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? A good-for-nothing idiot! That is all there is in you.

You are a babi hutan from either the jungle of Jawa or Sumatra. All you Umno malay pig are in fact pendatang to this Tanah Orang Ali. So get the xxxx out of my country!

Anonymous said...

Believe me if the corrupted culprit is from Umno, nothing would happen to him. If the minister asked the custom department to close-one-eye, Umno will close both eyes.

Every thinking Malaysian will know that nothing will happen to any Umno-man for crimes committed. They have special protection. Lodge all the complaints you want and ACA will close both eyes.

Will there be an investigation into this apparent abuse of power, i.e. corruption? Of course not, since he is malay!

All this is just a joke! Double standards, hypocrisies, prejudices, religious propagandas (Islam), has always been the malay interpretation of the 'democratic process' in Malaysia.

This idiot of a minister should have been sacked on the spot and subjected to an investigation by the ACA.

Where is this lame and useless prime minister? Why has he not spoken a word? That is because he is probably eaten a slice of the pie himself! Bloody nonsense!

Anonymous said...

We have descended into chaos and contempt, looking at other races suspiciously, no matter what the politicians want us to believe. I feel sad that we did not build on what our founding fathers left for us, and for the divisive lives we had got into, and that we are literally at each others throats.

I sometimes see these with anger and sometimes with despair that what we could have been but never did. My reflections these days seem to throw my hands up and remark that we, as Malaysians, have lost.

To claim that we are proud to be Malaysians rings very hollow in my ears, as we are not. We have grown to be racists, from the prime minister and the rulers to the average man on the street. The exceptions are too few to be recognised.

The day the leader of the country is able to stand for and convince us that he is not a racist, that is the day this country will move forward.

It could be an elusive dream during my lifetime, as what we all had were racist politicians polluting the average man's mind for their own political expediency, except for the first prime minister, but write to anyone content and heart, we are not going to be a developed nation as these people keep saying now and then, as what you sow so shall you reap and that time will set the clock back.

Anyway who cares! We all live in a world of pretence as if everything is ok but time will tell whether I am right even though deep inside me I would wish otherwise.

We are about 13 years away from the supposedly dream of attaining the developed nation status and as the word implies, it could well end up as a dream after the hype and ho hah. When we have an education system which is not only lagging far behind but very, very politicised and with a "trial and error" guinea pigs that we have become, it is all talk and talk.

The prime minister talks but these days very few believe anything he has to say. Maybe there has been a revolution indeed that he promised - just that I did not or could not see it.

After all, he had the audacity to claim that he had done a great deal to arrest corruption. I must have been sleeping because I did not see it. Multitudes of projects are just being dished out without any tenders and we have gone down further on the corruption index.

Of course, nothing what we write here will ever reach those politicians because they have proven us wrong over and over again by being voted in election after election and they continue with their complacent and lethargic attitude as ever.

We are a divided nation, more so by religion these days than by any other reasons. While we fight, our neighbours rejoice. The sorry state of affairs will continue.

A recent survey showed that people have the least trust in politicians. I was surprised that there need to be a survey to find that out as the word "crooked" has become synonymous with politicians, from the top to the bottom.

Most universities of developed nations are autonomous and although we have private universities, which are nothing more than money-making institutions, the quality of education is very pathetic indeed.

From the top to the bottom, it is "tidak apa" all the way. A small nation to the south with no known natural resource has placed itself comfortably in the economic world but we have "half-past-six" (just borrowed from Mahatir) people handling the government and its agencies with almost predictable results of losses. Are we going to sleep forever? Are we supposed to be proud?

You talk to the monkeys in parliament, they behave more like "samseng" than elected representatives and such people are walking our parliament house.

How, can we expect our children to be decently educated when these people continue behaving like circus monkeys? Instead of trying to get the races together, these are simply exploits to create animosity.

Even the way they explained the merits on the university selection was very off the mark - we all could see that they were lying through their teeth - and they too know that they are lying but they just do it.

I am tempted to say they are just dreaming - daydreaming. Mahatir tried for 22 years and failed and he is supposed to be one of those intelligent prime minsters but he approached and dealt with almost racially blurred eyes.

Those before him also failed. They have created a sub-standard species of walking zombies in Malaysia who will either nod up and down or right and left. The will was never there and it will never be. Just make hay while the sun shines - grab as much as you can as if you don't, others will. May the Creator has mercy on this country.

Anonymous said...

The reasons are economic and education. If we find the local environments do not suit us and we find there are or have found greener pastures overseas, why should we not go?

This is the age of global economics. Are we Chinese continue to work the old traditional ways to start small business like car repair shops etc, while the game today to global?

Every human being, be it malay or non-malay should have an equal right to reach to the level of his/her ability. Do you see this possible for Chinese without double or triple efforts?

Yes, Malaysia is losing so many talents as a result of NEP and not knowing how much damage had been done. In my own family circles, I have not less than 5 nephews and niece who are top scorers and opt to be overseas working and doing very well.

The gist is that there is no such thing as having the best of everything. When one implement policies that favours one race to the detriment of another, there is always a price to pay.

The price is already showing from top university status to junk university status. Everything from airline to our currencies are heading south.

Any solution? No definitely not.

An entire community cannot be changed overnight and from recent events it will head further south. Meanwhile just watch what will happen after peak "oil".

Remember a lot of Malaysia exports and industries are foreign owned who may pack up anytime to China or India.

Palm oil? Indonesia is overtaking us. What have we left?

Human resources……….what human resources do you have when you churn out degree mills by the thousands of low standards not recognised by the world?

Most people are heading to Australia because many can foresee that in the next 10 years, it will be virtually impossible for a middle income earner to send their children to local university, taking into consideration cost and the infamous "quota".

If you are in Australia, a bus driver can afford to send their children to university like Melbourne/Monash/RMIT without digging deep into their pockets. All because their taxes are well managed channeled towards the right direction.

We are all proud but the Umno government they are not proud to have us (non-malays) around as our attitudes and work ethics put most of the malays in shame.

My attitude toward the country changed since 13 May 1969. We all knew it was Harun and Razak who plotted the racial riots and got away with murdering thousands of Chinese.

All my children and grandchildren are in Australia. Some have Bachelors with honours, Masters, PhDs, and etc.

They are no such blatant discrimination like we are having in Malaysia.

My daughter is a professor, son is a financial planner, son in law is a businessman, grandchildren all doing very well.

If they are still in Malaysia, I am sure they just cannot compete with even fourth grade university graduates of Keturunan Melayu.

So, they are too tired to fight with all the obstacles that the Umno government placed in their path. If you are brilliant, you do not need the "shit".

If you intend to emigrate, let me know, I can introduce you a couple of brilliant migration agents from Australia.

Anonymous said...

At least Khairy has something in common - selective memory. As far as I remember, when Umno deregistered, MCA was there to help.

Even for Mahathir, he acknowledged and was grateful with MCA on the spirit of BN, which is harmony and tolerance. As for Khairy, what have you done for Umno besides burning flags and opening stinking mouth?

I pity this Khairy. But I pity the Umno Youth leadership more. Khairy and the Umno Youth leadership are really a pitiful and sad lot and they do need our sympathy and understanding.

Of course we all know that they are totally useless human beings who have been thrust onto the leadership role to drag and pull a whole lot more of totally useless and good for nothing human beings.

Bereft of any ideas of how they can improve their lot, they see their common cause only when they can see enemies or perceived enemies. In last years Umno Youth assembly we had their leader Hisham wielding his keris. They all cheered seemingly knowing and understanding who their common enemy was.

Don't Umno Youth leaders have any agenda that can stand on its own without it having to depend on the existence of bogeymen and demons supplied by perceived enemies? Or is this testimony that the malays would rather sit on their backsides and not move until and unless they see an enemy trespassing their territory?

Weak Umno bad for Umno-malays. Less chance to become super-rich in super-short time.

Umno-malays will instill more third world mentality such as Ketuanan Melayu among malays. Fooled malays will make Umno-malays superrich. What is left for the fooled malays is - third world mentality.

All these suckers want is to get rich until the end of the world and they will do anything to get what they want. They don't care about anything anymore. It is sad to see the human race reduced to such garbage and best of all, it is been honed to a fine art in Malaysia. No wonder some people just emigrate away.

Ever wonder why, Umno leaders chanting Ketuanan Melayu, non-malays are threatening their rights! MCA, MIC and the rest chanting to their community, we will fight for our rights. If they are all fighting each other, why is there a BN?

In actual fact, all of them at the top are good friends. At the bottom, they are stroking up distrust and fear among the communities - at the top, grand discussions and plans are going on how to enrich each other and what is each other's share.

When the common fools found something fishy, they will just stroke the racial storm and everyone will forget the fishy smell. In the end, semuanya ok. Business as usual.

Weak Umno bad for BN? As I always said, life is getting miserable by the days for the kampung people. Everywhere the average people are quietly suffering. What good is it to them a strong BN?

We don't need a strong BN. We need a caring government, no matter who they are.

Anonymous said...

Chinese schools blah blah blah……….very hot topic.

While I do not doubt merits of arguments from both sides, one thing is sure, Chinese schools generally produce higher performance students than national schools.

The students from day one are coached and coached to excel in their exams with never ending homework school days and school holidays while the national schools generally are more relaxed.

I think one have misunderstood DJZ. They do recognize the importance of English, but insist that there are better ways to go about it, such as adding an extra class in English or lengthening the existing English lessons or using the English language for the humanities.

During the 1970s, I gave free tuition in English to my high school students (all of whom had a Chinese primary school background), and when they accompanied me to the states, they'd no problems following their courses.

Several were even offered scholarships up to PhD level, although most started work after their basic engineering degree. Like the Koreans and the Taiwanese, their lack of an English background didn't hinder them from becoming successful businessmen or professionals.

One more point: I think the malay schools are also complaining about the problem of using English for math and science. Considering the level of teaching proficiency in those subjects, it would be appear to be more sensible to add more English classes or lengthen the English periods than to use the current system.

They DJZ fear Chinese will be wiped out. If these students are to be proficient in English, they would be top achievers around, knowing Bahasa, Chinese and English unlike the malays who are only proficient in Bahasa with a little English.

As an employer I would opt for the trilingual Chinese to the monolingual malays anytime. I may have to send him to China - the fastest growing giant of today and may be the bread and butter of many Malaysian Chinese.

Note Chinese businessmen from China are now expanding globally and generating communities globally. Don't miss this opportunity.

In a very difficult environment, all Malaysian Chinese must learn to adept and not cocooned with old traditions and pride.